Our Clubs
Great futures start here.Our Programs Help Kids Succeed
For over a century, Boys and Girls Clubs have delivered quality, life-changing programs to youth in need. Our programs are designed to ensure young people have an impactful Club experience, stay engaged and develop leadership skills.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County offers tested, proven and nationally recognized programs in five Core Program Areas that closely align with the developmental needs of all young people: The Arts, Education, Health & Wellness, Leadership & Service and Sports & Recreation.
Programs focus on three Priority Outcome Areas:
Academic Success, Character & Citizenship and Healthy Lifestyles

All programs are designed to drive positive outcomes and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.

The Arts
Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County is committed to providing programs, experiences and initiatives that allow all youth to access imagination and creativity to express themselves and build connection with others in their community. Club is unique and no two art program will be the same. Arts programs, experience and initiatives fall under four categories: Visual Arts, Digital Arts, Performing Arts and Applied Arts.
Specific Programs: Art Club, Middle School Art Club, Dance, Music Makers, Music Unplugged.

Priority outcome area: Academic Success
Through tutoring and homework help, access to technology, college and career readiness programs, and skill development, Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County has an outstanding record of helping young people make academic strides. The success of our programs can be measured by the achievements of our youth, as they head towards high school graduation with a solid plan for the future.
Specific Programs: Power Hour, STEM, My.Future, Career Launch, Diplomas2 Degrees, Book Club.

Health & Wellness
Priority outcome area: Healthy Lifestyles
It is so important for young people to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults. This program area focuses on helping kids eat a more balanced diet, become more physically fit, and engage in healthy relationships. Specific Programs: Healthy Habits, Smart Girls, Passport to Manhood, Be A Star, Triple Play, Smart Moves, #BGC Rising, Teen Nights.

Leadership & Services
Priority outcome area: Character & Leadership
Helping youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills for participating in the democratic process are the main goals of these programs. They also develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community and celebrating our national heritage.
Specific Programs: Youth of the Year, Leaders in Training, Keystone Club, Torch Club, Million Hours of Service, Comcast Cares Day, Teen Nights.

Sports & Recreation
Sports and Recreation programs are designed to help all youth become physically literate – having the competence, confidence and intrinsic motivation to be physically active every day. The new gymnasium offers even more opportunity to get active through basketball, flag football, soccer and our rock climbing wall.
Specific Programs: Triple Play Daily Challenges, Triple Play Healthy Habits, Triple Play Social Recreation, Run Club, ALL STARS.
Other Programs & Locations
Funded by the Carroll County Commissioners with “Not in Carroll” opioid prevention funding. This two day per week program supports middle school students with a focus on BGC’s SMART Moves programming which drives healthy lifestyle choices. Housed on site at North Carroll and Northwest Middle Schools, this teen focused program is called #BGC Rising and it includes a combination of BGC programs such as Power Hour, Triple Play, Smart Girls, Passport to Manhood, Torch Club, Art/STEM and My.Future.
North Carroll
Club meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
1400 Panther Drive
Hampstead MD 21074
Northwest Middle School
Club meets on Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
99 Kings Drive
Taneytown, MD 21787
Sykesville Middle School
Club meets on Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
7301 Springfield Ave
Sykesville, Maryland 21784
Summer Programs
When the weather gets warm and school gets out for the summer – that’s when the real fun begins at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County! Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County’s Summer Camp offers something for every Club Member – and the best part is that they learn while they are having fun! Summer Camp provides quality educational experiences, physical activities, and a safe environment that lets children have fun just being kids. Our goal is to provide children with experiences that will help them stay active, healthy, and intellectually stimulated. Camp provides a summer of fun and excitement while offering the peace of mind that comes with knowing that kids are in a safe place with caring adult professionals.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Carroll County | 410-386-0135 | info@bgccarrollcounty.org | 71 E. Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157 | Member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America